Money-saving Air Compressor Tips
The air compressor is the key centre of power, efficiency, and reliability in any shop. Great air compressors are built to withstand years of heavy use, but maintenance is essential to ensure proper performance. By maintaining your compressor you’ll lower shop costs and avoid future hassles for any air compressor in Brampton.
Regular Inspections
A busy shop probably doesn’t have a compressor technician on hand, full-time. Regular checkups can identify potential problems. The best way to record and address problems with any compressor is through yearly body and component inspections.
Review Operation Instructions
Everyone cleared for air compressor use should be intimately familiar with the manufacturer’s operational guidelines and manual. Improper use of an air compressor is a prime cause of failure and unnecessary repairs.
The most vital aspect of compressor operation is lubrication. Make sure all compressor components have part-on-part lubrication. This is especially true for internal motor oil. Oil inspections should be performed for each 1000 hours of use.
Fuel Tank Cleaning
Once a year, inspect a compressor’s fuel tank for buildup. Various fuels leave substances that reduce efficiency. Dirty fuel tanks also make a compressor work harder and shorten its lifespan.
Auxiliary Hoses
Air compressors work best with balanced systems. Hoses leading away from compressor units need to be inspected regularly for wall strength and flexibility. Leaking hoses cause a compressor to work harder at storing and channelling air.
Keep Vents Clear
A compressor pulls air from intake vents. If vents are obstructed, the unit spends more energy to pull air. Keeping vents clear is essential for optimal compressor function.
Valve Maintenance
Every specialized valve ensures proper compressor operation. The drain on the receiver tank is particularly valuable. Air humidity creates condensation and internal moisture buildup. Regularly drain moisture valves after emptying the tank’s pressure.
Replace Worn Belts
Replace system belts that droop, are cracked, slipping, or very rigid. Also, ensure that all belts on a compressor are the correct length, diameter, and strength.
Tightening Components
Loose gears, parts, and shaking will put stress on a compressor. Over time, bolts and fasteners can wriggle loose. Tighten bolts several times each year.
Observe and Report
Sometimes a sensory inspection of an air compressor is all that is necessary to detect problems. When a compressor is running, listen to it and observe it as it works. Major problems can be detected through simple observation.
Purchasing and maintaining a quality air compressor in Brampton can be seamless with help from specialists like Mac-Air Compressor Ltd. We can help you create a compressor maintenance checklist, or provide professional inspections. Call 1.877.MACAIR.1 and we’ll do a professional compressor evaluation.